
Customer Loyalty

LeaderShipShape Customer Loyalty Seminars

Three short (roughy 2 hours) workshops ideally suited to "lunch and learn" or other shorter engagements to be done in series

Increase Sustained Profitability – Developing a Customer Loyalty Strategy

15 Minutes
The Functions of Business
10 Minutes
Perceived Value
30 Minutes
Why You Want Loyal Customers
20 Minutes
The Customer Worth Formula
30 Minutes
Critique, Questions, and Thank You’s
15 Minutes
Total Presentation Time
120 Minutes

Key Measurements for building a Loyal Customer Base

15 Minutes
Measuring Loyal Customers
10 Minutes
Customer Loyalty Score
45 Minutes
Employee Loyalty Score
45 Minutes
Critique, Questions, and Thank You’s
15 Minutes
Total Presentation Time
130 Minutes

The Power of Customer Loyalty – Points of Connection

15 Minutes
Points of Connection
10 Minutes
Point of Connection Delivery System
15 Minutes
Point of Connection Audit
15 Minutes
Voice of the Customer
15 Minutes
Customer Complaint Log
15 Minutes
Points of Connection Evaluation
30 Minutes
Critique, Questions, and Thank You’s
15 Minutes
Total Presentation Time
130 Minutes